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Hace unos dias salió una nueva versión de jabberd2.
La lista de cambios es extensa, pero prácticamente todo son correcciones de problemas, no hay nuevas funcionalidades. En todo caso la actualización debe ser recomendable, porque se han corregido bastantes errores que parecen importantes.
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Lista de cambios:
- Fixed race condition allowing c2s to be killed, Stephen Marquard - Fixed off-by-one bug in s2s/main.c leading to segfault on startup in some environmentsp - Fixed memory leak in sm, Michal Kára - Fixed problem relating to SSL connections not being closed correctly, Nathan Christiansen - Fixed 3 problems in mod_announce: (a) NAD freed before use, (b) struct tm not initialised correctly on some platforms, and (c) time not initialised for broadcast motd messages delivered to online users, Stephen Marquard - Fixed insertion of extra namespace in element in some types of messages retrieved from offline queue, which causes a parse error in the router, Matthew Buckett - Fixed off-by-one bug in PLAIN SASL authentication code. May also resolve a number of other bugs relating to c2s authentication, Robert Theisen - Fixed return value of jid_new() in pkt.c to avoid sm segfault from dereferencing NULL pointer, triggered by a message with a to JID of the form "@some.server@", Stephen Marquard - Avoided adding nads to the cache that are created through nad_copy(), Stephen Marquard - Fixed bug in retrieving hash values, Stephen Marquard - Improved performance of pool cleanup function, Stephen Marquard - Corrected handling of EMAIL, TEL and ADR/CTRY elements in vcards for JEP-0054 compliance, Stephen Marquard - Optimised sm algorithm for announcing presence to skip presence announcements and probes for users on the same server who are not online, Stephen Marquard - Checked that storage drivers are initialised correctly; if not, abort, Stephen Marquard - Fixed file descriptor leak in storage_fs - Allowed c2s to supply a certificate chain to clients, Iain MacDonnell